Hey hey love!
So as a boudoir photographer I have had to clear a lot of headspace to help my clients with their own traumas and healing abilities. Trust me, I still put the work in every day, and every day a new block comes up that I need to address!
So let's talk about ways to change your mindset because a lot of you have come to my boudoir sessions and have talked with me about mindsets being the absolute most important thing to change your reality, right!? You know about three years ago before I started my boudoir photography, before the boudoir studio, everything...I felt absolutely lost in life and I had no path or direction of where I was going. It caused a lot of anxiety and depression and I just kind of felt like I was just here surviving and I had really no purpose. That's when I started following a lot of people who teach mindset, growth, healing and all that stuff that we literally need in our day to day life. I went through the processes and healed a lot of trauma in my life and got rid of a lot of mental blocks that I didn’t even know existed, or that I could even heal them. One thing that was the easiest to do was say affirmations out loud to myself. Now hear me out this isn't a one and done thing.
You can literally say affirmations every day for the next 10 years and somehow you block yourself and you'll have to work through some past healing that has randomly come up. You don't just get to say "oh I did it! I'm done! The works put in and I feel great every day all the time!"
I wish that was the case but it's not.. it's an ongoing process! If you have the tools to do it, and the drive to do it, then you can change your mental health and heal yourself in so many ways! Change your life for the better! If you're reading this and thinking..this is totally taboo and stupid, I challenge you to do affirmations every day for a month and see if your mindset has changed about yourself. Keep in mind, your life it is what you make it. You control your own reality! Here are some affirmations to say everyday to get started down the road of self empowerment.
1. When you wake up, before you even open your eyes, breath in deeply, exhale slowly and say "Today I am grateful to be me. I am lucky to be who I am. Today will be a good day." Repeat this slowly 3 times. Then open your eyes.
Yes, this will take some time to actually feel the benefits, but damnit if you don’t feel good after saying it then we have some work to do!
2. Walk up to your mirror and don't do anything but look into your eyes. Do not look at the wrinkles that you hate to stare at, the dark circles that you don't like under your eyes, any dark spots on your face, hair, nothing but your eyes. Take a deep breath in hold it, and slowly breathe out and say "his is what a beautiful woman looks like. This is what a woman who accepts herself looks like. This is what a woman who deserves love looks like." Then smile at yourself and walk away and go about your morning routine. Saying this every day will ABSOLUTELY help the process of self love!
This might trigger you and challenge your beliefs of yourself, which will be a huge indication we have a lot of blocks to work through and heal! You got this though trust the affirmation!
3. Here is an easy one to do. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, just take a few seconds to close your eyes, breath in slowly and deeply, hold it, then exhale slowly and say "I am doing my best. I am where I need to be. It is ok to not be perfect all of the time!" Say it a few times until you feel a little more stable and calm! Only takes a few seconds!
So, as a boudoir photographer, I advocate for self healing and self love. My work is not just about sexy portraits, dancing around in lingerie and taking photos! Yes, that’s absolutely a huge part of how I do boudoir, but it's about changing your life by changing your inner mindset!
There are SOOO many ways to clear out your blocks, so if you have a boudoir session booked with me I cant wait to dive in with you! If you haven’t booked yet, then I hope you do these challenges and get started with your new you!!
-Until next time,
Your favorite Pa boudoir photographer, Kelsey!